Products  >  CopperLink-T Model 2113 & 2115 View Printable

End of Life Notice (PDF) This legacy product is not recommended for new installations. There is no replacement for these products.

--Image: RACKABLE! Rack Mount Available -- Patton’s CopperLink-T™ Model 2113 & 2115 T1/E1 Extenders are the perfect choice for enterprises, integrators, and service providers needing to extend T1 and E1 circuits beyond their typical reach while conserving the number of wire pairs used.

With the CopperLink-T™ extenders, zero configuration is required. They operate in clear-channel mode, thereby facilitating the transparent extension of data and voice bearing circuits—including the F-bit on T1 circuits. The two active pins on the RJ connector are polarity insensitive, so you don’t even need to worry about which wire you connect on the line interface. Simply take them out of the box, put them on either side of the dry copper pair, connect your T1 or E1 device and the circuit will light up immediately!

The CopperLink-T™ Model 2113 extends E1 circuits to 16,100 feet (4,900 meters, nearly 5 km), while the CopperLink-T™ Model 2115 extends T1 circuits to more than 3.5 miles (18,500 feet or 5,600 meters). Both models require only two wires (one pair) to extend the TDM circuits, thereby conserving and minimizing the copper plant resources used.

For these reasons, Patton's CopperLink-T™ extenders are the ideal solution for most popular applications such as T1/E1 backhaul from a remote site, T1/E1 relocation, T1/E1 extension across a campus or between buildings, and last-mile TDM delivery.

  • The CopperLink-T™ simplifies transparent T1/E1 extension.
  • Plug-and-Play--units automatically link up when placed on opposite sides of a dry copper wire pair.
  • Units operate in clear channel mode to easily transport voice and data (F-bit included).
  • Uses only wires on the link.
  • Link interface is polarity insensitive to make connection to the twisted-pair wires easy.
  • Intuitive LEDs help you quickly troubleshoot line and circuit problems.


  • Triple the Distance—Extend T1s to over 3 miles and E1s to almost 5 km over one pair of wires.
  • Half the Wires—The T1/E1 extenders only require one pair of wires to operate.
  • Voice and Data Extension—The CopperLink-T™ T1/E1 Extenders operate in clear channel mode allowing the transparent passing of both voice and data.
  • Plug and Play—Plug them in and the link comes up in seconds. The line interface is even polarity insensitive, making it easier to get running.
  • Line Tests—V.52 511/511E pattern generator with remote digital loopback (RDL); local analogue loopback (LAL).
  • Front Panel Status Indicators—Front panel LEDs provide users with quick feedback on unit operation.


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