
Knowledgebase Article
Knowledgebase > Unified Communications > SmartNode > SmartMedia > SN10K

Creating ISDN NAP(Network Access Point) on SmartMedia
Article Id #: 355

You must now allocate an ISDN network access point for your system. A network access point or NAP represents the entry point to another network or destination peer (e.g. SIP proxy, ISUP interface peer, etc).

To create a new NAP:

1- Click NAP in the navigation panel

Toolpack v2.5 Navigation Panel NAP.png

2- Click Create New NAP

Toolpack v2.5 Create NAP.png

3- Create the new NAP:

  • Enter a name for the NAP
  • Click Create

Toolpack v2.6 Creating NAP.png

4- Verify that the NAP was successfully created message appears

Toolpack v2.5 NAP Created.png

5- Associate an ISDN stack with the new NAP:

  • Select a stack from the ISDN stack list
  • Click the "<<" button to associate it with the NAP

Toolpack v2.5 NAP and ISDN.png

6- Select a value for Channel Usage, to avoid call collision

  • Click Save

7- Verify that the "NAP was successfully updated" message appears

Toolpack v2.5 NAP ISUP Created.png

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