This FAQ shows which information are needed to provide you the most efficient support.
1. Network Topology / Environment
Explain how the product is being used and what it is connected to in terms of PSTN circuits, PBXs and ITSPs.
If you have a complex topology, a diagram and dialling plan would be appreciated.
2. Fault / Issue Description
Explain the problem, behaviour and symptoms that you observe. If the problem is reproducible please explain
exactly the steps required to do so. If the problem is infrequent or intermittent, please provide details.
3. Capture Debug Logs
Before starting the debug process please minimize the number of live calls being made; ideally there should be no
other calls in progress so we get a clean trace of the test call only.
Please document exactly the call flow of the test call you are going to make; this make it easier to follow what is
happening in the logs and identify any unexpected behaviour.
- calling number/extension
- how you expect the call to route and/or be modified through the Patton SmartNode
- destination number/extension
- firmware versionnumber
Telnet to the Patton SmartNode using Putty or another good-quality telnet client (not Microsoft Telnet)
Log the telnet session to a text file so everything is recorded, including the commands you type.
To get the backspace key working in Putty, go to Configuration > Terminal > Keyboard and change the option to
‘Control-H’. Logging can be found in Session > Logging. Set to ‘Printable output’.
The exact commands depend on the SmartNode model and the problem being reported, however in the first
instance we suggest the following debug flags are used. We will ask you for more specific logs if necessary.
Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC)
enable |
show reports |
debug essential-voip full-detail |
ISDN Gateways (BRI/PRI)
enable |
show reports |
debug essential-voip full-detail
After completing the test, type “no debug all” to disable the debug output.
We look forward to receiving an email with two attachments that contain everything
we need to quickly help you solve your problem.